I don't want to call anyone a liar. But I will. White people who claim that there are some in this country who don't understand what the noose means are liars. Try as I might, I couldn't find the article on Huffpo which convinced me of this. The gentleman stated that he lived in Jena and thought that the truth should be told. We had it all backwards. Those white youths who hung the noose from the tree didn't understand, he said, what that noose meant to black people. Liar. Those boys knew every bit of history behind the hanging of a noose. They have computers don't they? More to the point they have white male relatives, grandfathers, who were only too well aware of what a noose hanging from a tree meant. And you mean to tell me that some old men sitting around with a group of their young male relatives wouldn't tell them the story behind the noose? Might not have even shared a story or two of at least witnessing a lynching? You mean to tell me that those good ol' boys never sat around, recounting the days of when whites reigned supreme and the noose was king? You and I both know damned well that they did.
I am 53 years of age, and grew up not 20 minutes from Washington, D.C., and for all the world you would have thought it was the backwoods of Deliverance. I never really understood how southern Maryland really was until I got older. You would have thought the danged state was somewhere between Georgia and Mississippi. It was that bad. In 1965, at the age of 11 I witnessed something I will never forget. A cross burning. Have you ever seen how those things glow, horribly? It's like nothing you've ever seen. I have never seen a hanging. The pictures are enough to sear the soul. I knew what lynchings were though. I had heard all about them, understood them in all their heart wrenching hideousness. I knew they were used to keep black men in line, understanding where their "place" was.
A lynching is a thing of pure hatred. Don't believe otherwise. A noose hung from a tree, on a door, anywhere, is a symbol of hatred and control. It is a threat. It's statement is a snarled hiss of "I hate you, I hate who you are, and I am using this noose to tell you so." No one who sees a noose should ever believe otherwise, because those of us who are black know its' meaning. We know what those who leave the noose are saying. We know the hatred directed at us for whatever reason. There is no such thing as the noose is a joke. What kind of a joke? A very sick joke? Having hung the noose, knowing its' meaning, knowing what was meant when it was hung, how do you then declare, "oh, it was only a joke, a boyish prank, played by some children." Oh, really? Well black children, yes, they hung those nooses from the tree, they said I hate you, might even like to see you swinging from that noose but hey, they were only playing, why get so upset?
Should the young white boys who hung the noose from the tree charged and punished with a hate crime? Think about this; when black men where lynched no one wanted to see those who did the lynching punished, at least not other whites. Perhaps justice would have been served if those kids had been made to study the history of lynchings in this country, made to put together a packet which could then be shown throughout the school system in Louisiana, and they could also have been made to study the justice system in this country as it pertains to young black men and their incarceration rates. They should not have gone unpunished, and at the very least they should have been made to understand why their "prank" was not a "joke". At least not to black people who have seen such things.
No, the noose as a symbol is not a joke. The author of that piece knew it, and so did those young white boys in Jena, which is why they hung the noose. Why would you hang a noose and not know the meaning? And if they didn't know the meaning then surely this says that they created the same meaning as did their forefathers, doesn't it? I consider that a horrifying thought, don't you? No matter how you look at it, the noose still means hatred and death to black men.
PS:I did find this article again, and it was posted on Huffpo. Apparently, Media Myths About The Jena 6, by Craig Franklin, has been flying around the wed since it was written. Jack and Jill has an article here, taking the myth apart finely.
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It's amazing the power completely benign things gain when enough people with closed minds and a huge minority mindset complain enough. Nooses were hung in, and on, school lockers when I was in high school, in many schools around my area. No one protested, 25 years ago. No one got up in arms. Not even the minority community. 25 years ago, this was taken as a sign of a disturbed mind, yes, and the students were counseled by professionals to ensure they were not a danger to themselves. But it never made the news papers. No country-wide call-to-arms. Until Jena, when a few people decided to find something else to loudly complain about in an attempt to reverse the roles of the black man and the white man. Now, the white man has become the minority. There is a Black History Month, colleges planning to build Black Recreation centers, college financial aid solely for the black community, even colleges that will accept a black person more often than a white, or other, person. I thought Dr. King's dream was of equality. People like you have taken that dream and twisted it into a diseased version of it. People like you won't let things go. People like you are the reason why the public perceives that the black person is still persecuted everywhere. That is not true. I serve in the US military, sir, and have served with, in charge of and subordinate to, some black ladies and gentlemen that are of my mind set. They believe that, yes, they deserve the black community should be equal in all things. I served under a black commander that refused to accept aid from the United Negro College Fund, even though he qualifies for it. He refused to use it because he thought that he should have the same chances as everyone else. He didn't want any favors or advantages. He rose the the top 5%. Unlike you, sir, I believe that everyone is created equal, regardless of creed, sex, origin, religious preference, etc., etc., et al. No one is greater that anyone else just because they are a different color. We are all human beings, equal to one another in all respects. The only people that give symbols, such as the burning cross, Nazi Swastika, the noose, are people that are prejudiced at heart. They, and you, sir, are part of the problem. I challenge you to stop being part of the problem, and become part of the solution.
No, I am not here to tout the teachings of anyone. Not God, Muhammad, Buddha, or anyone else. I am here to tout the equality and intelligence of humans. Did the Jenna 6 perform a hate crime? Doubtful. I was unaware of the symbolism of the noose until I did research on the net, and came across your site. Nearly all of them are prejudiced against white people. You yell to the heavens and cry that white people are prejudiced against you, that every single hate crime is pointed at you (never mind that it was done hundreds of miles away), and that all white people know exactly what your symbolism is. The noose is nothing more than a rope knotted to break the neck. Was it used on the black man. Yes, it was, throughout history. What you fail to mention, though, was that is was also use on the white man, the Indian, and the Chinese. The only ones that are complaining about it is you, the black man. The one creed that has more legal advantages, more more places to go that no one else is allowed in, than any other creed in this US. And, yet, you still complain. Still want more. Still think it's not enough. You have reached equality a long time ago, sir. Now, you are attempting to surpass it. I will agree that the black man was persecuted and sold as slaves. That is true. It was not you. I have never owned slave, nor has my family. Get over yourself and stop crying "The Sky Is Falling" every time you don't like something. Stop being part of the problem.
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