I am so sick and tired of white people telling black people what to say about their own situations and anything else for that matter. I refuse to link to her site because she ain't worth all that, but I did do a response to h

Dear Ms. Ann;
I am not going to wear you the brand new ass you deserve because you're so sorry and pitiful. I understood what Bill Cosby was saying perfectly and I wholeheartedly agree with him. What happened to the questions he was asked? Might that have helped your readers to understand what he was saying instead of assigning it as so much gibberish spoken by an "elderly black man?" Perhaps if you jut stuck to trying to interpret the meanings of your own ugly racist culture then all would be well for you. Just stick what you know, white people, and you will be all right. I've grown weary of white people telling black people how to think, what to say, when to say it, when it is proper for blacks to speak, always to wait on whites to give us the signal. Please Ms. Ann, may I speak a word Ms. Ann, ain't meanin' no harm ya understands, but I'se got apiece to speak, iffn' you don't mind. Yessem, I'mma sit down now, sorry to bother you, Ms. Ann. I have no idea what your politics, and could care less really. I don't trust whites as far I can throw em, repugs or dummycrats, because as you can see, racism still exist, on either side. Republicans hate the hell out of us and we know it; democrats, similar to you, think we should just sit at the back of the room and hesh our mouths, and just listen to what the white man has to say, and then vote for them. I'm beginning to believe that we don't owe our allegiance to anyone, right or left, and that you need to work harder to earn our attention. I never read you because you, like many other white bloggers, aren't worth the print or my attention, but since my attention was called to your post, here I am. You might remember me from back in 2003 when I said you were white. At the time I had no idea that anyone wanted to do you harm. Perhaps instead of that white man's pic you would have been better off putting up the pic of a lawn jockey, then no one would have guessed you were a Ms. Ann white woman. I would suggest you look up the term Ms. Ann. Now, you take care, and please, stay on the white side of the tracks and stop venturing into the black world. I wouldn't want you to tarred. I'm also going to post this on my own blog, and try to look up that interview with Bill Cosby.
I have since viewed the video of what Bill had to say, and I got even angrier. digby's post was even shallower and more racist than I thought, and was highly irresponsible. That video of the interview he did with Tim Russert is just as lucid an intelligent as Bill Cosby has ever been, and he isn't saying anything he hasn't already said before. For her to have posted his comments in such a manner, with no questions, and just saying that his statements were the ravings of a senile old man are just beyond irresponsible to just plain racist. The video is available on Youtube, and it shows that Cosby is speaking just as lucidly and eloquently as he has all the years of his long and wonderful career. I would suggest to digby that if she isn't going to do anything but a lazyassed, halfassed job, then as far as black people are concerned- don't do us any damned favors, please.
The video of the conversation with Russert can be seen at msnbc in the video section, and comes right up at this time. Just totally unbelievable.
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