Apparently, David Banner is still whining, snotting and crying about the fact that black women are demanding that he act like an adult and stop portraying us in an insulting and degrading manner. Here is the interview he gave to Rolling Stone. And below is my response. A tip of the hat to WAOD.
You know, everyone seems to forget what this is really all about. This is about painting black women as bitches, whores, sluts, golddiggers and anything else so called hip hop "artist" care to paint us as, degrading us like so much used toilet tissue, all the while painting themselves as humanitarians. This is about taking away the view of a black woman as a human being, a living breathing entity, and not so much whole sale slop, to be used by black men to earn a dime from the very same folks on this post; whites. How can calling a black woman bitch, whore, slut be art? Who is David Banner to paint every black woman as such? Or any hip hop "artist" for that matter? Is he the arch angel of God that he knows that this is who she is? If everyone in the ghetto is calling black women by these names, doesn't it mean that he should be correcting them not joining them? All David Banner and the rest of hip hop is saying is this; we have found out that by degrading black women in a way in which they cannot defend themselves, and in a way that shows their degradation by us as black men, and in imagery that is insulting, disgusting and pornographic, which sells to the population with the most money, we want to continue as we have because not only does it make us money, it's our freedom of speech. We don't feel as if we have an obligation to portray black women in any realistic light whatsoever, as that does not add money to our pockets, nor to the pockets of our white masters, the record moguls we slave to. Black women should just sit down and shut the fuck up because we have finally found a way to use their black asses in a way that enriches us; writing lyrics like bitch I know; making sex objects out of women for years at BET; showing them in thongs and nipple covers, cavorting around with black men covered from head to toe in baggy clothing, showing nothing; Tip Drill; chinging a credit card card down a black woman's butt cheeks; yes Nellie, you will be forever remembered for that; showing the world that the only thing a black woman is good for is being ready for sex, any time, any where, any place, and with however many men we please; we want to be able to continue the degradation, and to hell with black women and what they have to say, it's all art. David Banner, in essence, is saying that I don't want to be an adult, I want to be forever 16, for who but a 16 year old could write such lyrics? Who but a 16 year old could ask to be excused for the imagery of black women as sexual jungle bunnies? As no more than a lascivious and lewd animalistic being? Only little boys would whine and cry in this way when they know they've been caught doing things they know are past them, when they know they need to put aside cursing women and begin to become men and respect not just black women but themselves. Only little boys would whine at being told they must now put away their "toys" and become men, and act as a man would act, not as a little boy, snickering behind his hand and cursing adults. That is what must happen if hip hop "artists" want to be respected. They must put aside their degradation and misogynistic views of women, and become part of the human race. If they want respect they're going to have to earn it. You're not a humanitarian if you don't treat one half of the race, and part of the race you belong to as so much garbage to be discarded and thrown away. Until you do this, I cannot consider you as men, for how can I when you degrade and disrespect me before the rest of the world? It doesn't work that way, and the sooner you accept this fact the sooner hip hop will grow and become respected for the incredible black created musical force that it can be, and not the destructive force of children.
well said. at first it could have been written off as ignorance, but at this point its nothing but malicious. if after all this discussion we can still have people like soulja boy being the new hot thing, something is seriously wrong. like damn.
Damn Mrs. Jazzy,
I see that this really got under your skin. I can't say I blame you though. I am sick and tired of RAP music also. If a person makes a song that he doesn't want his mother or Big Momma to hear, that should be a hint that the song is pretty much garbage. But if the music executives throw enough Benjamin's at the "Artist" well... what can I say? Look at the mess that is being passed off as music today... If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense. Common sense and decency be damned.
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