In November of 2006, the people, republicans and democrats alike, went to the poles and did what congress asked us to do. We handed them a mandate to end the war. We voted overwhelmingly to oust many republicans and replace them with democrats, to the tune of regaining congress by one. There is nothing to be said about Joe Lieberman. He is a democrat, turned independent, who is a republican in sheep's clothing. Nancy Pelosi was voted first female speaker of the house for nothing. She came in riding her white horse, assuring us that she was going to issue a stinging defeat to Notpreznitbush, and she caved. She gave into the republicans because she feared that the would paint her with their brush or hatred, she hates America, she hates the soldiers, she's soft on the war on terror. The democrats couldn't stand not to go about their business and make Notpreznitbush blink first. They had nerves, no back bone, no heroicism, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it. We waited and waited in vain, hoping that their spines would come back, but alas, no. A spine doesn't want to be yours if you can't use it properly, and most spines want to be known for standing up to anything, including presidents who were never elected.
Today it is official. The democratic party is dead. Pete Stark, rep. from California, had this to say of Notpreznitbush's veto of the schip program; "You're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement." Of course, the right jumped on him right away, crying foul, calling for him to apologize. Many of the spineless left also called for him to apologize, and for a few days he didn't. They finally got to boyfriend over the weekend, threatening him with censure. Poor baby, I guess not even knowing ho many of us approved of what he said didn't help. He, like so many others before him, couldn't stand the whinny baby crying of either party, or the vast and vicious hatred of the right. Damn. Just listening to him and that sad, pathetic apology is nauseating.
This is just too much for me. Al Gore should be finishing up his second illustrious term. Instead, he has gone on to win an Emmy, and Oscar, and now the Nobel Peace Prize, and any other award which can be heaped on the man. Our country would know peace now, and probably the prosperity of the evil Clenis, who left us with a surplus in the coffers. Imagine the amount of money that would be in there now with Gore at the helm. Our industries would not have pulled up steaks and moved to foreign countries, forcing the former workers to pack the crates for the move. Katrina would never have happened as it did. Look what's happening [to] for the victims of the San Diego fires. Instead, we have war(s), a recession looming, rampant foreclosures on sub prime rates that never should have happened, the tossing of the middle class into the lower middle class, on and on and on. Our justice system is not our justice system but the right's justice system.
Yes, the dems long national nightmare is over and they no longer have to pretend to have a spine at all, if ever they did have one. They did give it a valiant try though, I have to admit that. It took Nancy Pelosi a few weeks to turn into a bona fide Chicken Head. With Pete Stark's forced apology, it's official now. Nancy Pelosi is a Chicken Head. She swept into office of Speaker of the House and quickly turned it into a barnyard. Everybody is bucking and clucking and doing nothing at all. She promised the war would quickly be ended and here we are, about to end the year, and not the war. All she had to do was send a bill to Notpreeznitbush and let him veto it. That's all. But she couldn't even do that. Just let him veto the damned bill which would have made him look like the idiot that he is. Nooooooooooo. Nancy Chicken Head Pelosi couldn't do that. They listened to the whisperings of the republicans, got their asses kicked and handed to them again, and sat down like whipped dogs.
I don't blame Rep. Pete Stark, really I don't. I imagine that I could hold out against whatever was said to me, because really, why should I care? What could they do to me other than send me home? If I held to my principles wouldn't that be all that mattered? As for Notpreznitbush, hasn't he had enough names hurled at him that he inured to it all? Isn't he man enough to take the names even if he isn't man enough to go to war? Not man enough to not send others to war when he's never been himself? You see, nopreznitbush is a chicken, too. To chicken to go to war. A chicken hawk. Nancy's in good company. No, I don't blame Pete at all, not in the current atmosphere of democratic spinelessness. I know that many of us tried to send him a message of courage, tried to tell him that we appreciated his standing up to those schip vetoing bullies, but I guess when you have all those chickens wildly bucking and clucking at you it's hard.
It's been a long, slow, death for the democratic party. Where did it all start? With the Nixon debacle? Fueled by Carter? Cemented by Regan? Built into a true funeral pyre by Clinton? All of the above probably, but also added to that is the vicious hatred of the republican party. of course, everything about the Clintons whipped the republicans into hate of which I have never seen the likes. Their hatred led them to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a sex act. Which all men lie about at some time in their lives. It's just that this was Bill Most Hated Man Clinton, and he had to be punished. By Ken I have no life Starr. Al Gore, now one of America's most decorated citizens, having recently won the Nobel Peace prize for his work on global warming. He, or course, would not demand a recount of the 2000 vote. And who could forget that Frenchified John Kerry? How could he compete against a man who does nothing on his ranch but clear brush? Wind surfing! What the hell kind of Frenchified sport is that? Only the French would do it! And of course, once again, there was disenfranchisement in Florida, those damned pregnant chads. The republicans only respect the sanctity of life, not the right of life to vote.
Perhaps the democratic party is only on life support, and not really dead yet. Perhaps if the dems can win the 2008 election, the party can be resuscitated, just maybe. I'll have to take a wait and see attitude, but with things the way they are, I don't hold out much hope. But I won't pull the plug just yet.
Now playing: Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five - Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens
via FoxyTunes
Today it is official. The democratic party is dead. Pete Stark, rep. from California, had this to say of Notpreznitbush's veto of the schip program; "You're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement." Of course, the right jumped on him right away, crying foul, calling for him to apologize. Many of the spineless left also called for him to apologize, and for a few days he didn't. They finally got to boyfriend over the weekend, threatening him with censure. Poor baby, I guess not even knowing ho many of us approved of what he said didn't help. He, like so many others before him, couldn't stand the whinny baby crying of either party, or the vast and vicious hatred of the right. Damn. Just listening to him and that sad, pathetic apology is nauseating.
This is just too much for me. Al Gore should be finishing up his second illustrious term. Instead, he has gone on to win an Emmy, and Oscar, and now the Nobel Peace Prize, and any other award which can be heaped on the man. Our country would know peace now, and probably the prosperity of the evil Clenis, who left us with a surplus in the coffers. Imagine the amount of money that would be in there now with Gore at the helm. Our industries would not have pulled up steaks and moved to foreign countries, forcing the former workers to pack the crates for the move. Katrina would never have happened as it did. Look what's happening [to] for the victims of the San Diego fires. Instead, we have war(s), a recession looming, rampant foreclosures on sub prime rates that never should have happened, the tossing of the middle class into the lower middle class, on and on and on. Our justice system is not our justice system but the right's justice system.
Yes, the dems long national nightmare is over and they no longer have to pretend to have a spine at all, if ever they did have one. They did give it a valiant try though, I have to admit that. It took Nancy Pelosi a few weeks to turn into a bona fide Chicken Head. With Pete Stark's forced apology, it's official now. Nancy Pelosi is a Chicken Head. She swept into office of Speaker of the House and quickly turned it into a barnyard. Everybody is bucking and clucking and doing nothing at all. She promised the war would quickly be ended and here we are, about to end the year, and not the war. All she had to do was send a bill to Notpreeznitbush and let him veto it. That's all. But she couldn't even do that. Just let him veto the damned bill which would have made him look like the idiot that he is. Nooooooooooo. Nancy Chicken Head Pelosi couldn't do that. They listened to the whisperings of the republicans, got their asses kicked and handed to them again, and sat down like whipped dogs.
I don't blame Rep. Pete Stark, really I don't. I imagine that I could hold out against whatever was said to me, because really, why should I care? What could they do to me other than send me home? If I held to my principles wouldn't that be all that mattered? As for Notpreznitbush, hasn't he had enough names hurled at him that he inured to it all? Isn't he man enough to take the names even if he isn't man enough to go to war? Not man enough to not send others to war when he's never been himself? You see, nopreznitbush is a chicken, too. To chicken to go to war. A chicken hawk. Nancy's in good company. No, I don't blame Pete at all, not in the current atmosphere of democratic spinelessness. I know that many of us tried to send him a message of courage, tried to tell him that we appreciated his standing up to those schip vetoing bullies, but I guess when you have all those chickens wildly bucking and clucking at you it's hard.
It's been a long, slow, death for the democratic party. Where did it all start? With the Nixon debacle? Fueled by Carter? Cemented by Regan? Built into a true funeral pyre by Clinton? All of the above probably, but also added to that is the vicious hatred of the republican party. of course, everything about the Clintons whipped the republicans into hate of which I have never seen the likes. Their hatred led them to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a sex act. Which all men lie about at some time in their lives. It's just that this was Bill Most Hated Man Clinton, and he had to be punished. By Ken I have no life Starr. Al Gore, now one of America's most decorated citizens, having recently won the Nobel Peace prize for his work on global warming. He, or course, would not demand a recount of the 2000 vote. And who could forget that Frenchified John Kerry? How could he compete against a man who does nothing on his ranch but clear brush? Wind surfing! What the hell kind of Frenchified sport is that? Only the French would do it! And of course, once again, there was disenfranchisement in Florida, those damned pregnant chads. The republicans only respect the sanctity of life, not the right of life to vote.
Perhaps the democratic party is only on life support, and not really dead yet. Perhaps if the dems can win the 2008 election, the party can be resuscitated, just maybe. I'll have to take a wait and see attitude, but with things the way they are, I don't hold out much hope. But I won't pull the plug just yet.
Now playing: Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five - Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens
via FoxyTunes
I agree with you totally. I can't stand either political party. But those funky-ass dumbocrats really piss me off. What makes me even more upset is the fact that black people fall for their bullshit. We constantly listen to their lies and promises about how they care for minorities and what they will do if we waste our vote on them. They tell us they care for our children and our communities and our elderly. And the minute that their job is secured for the next 2 years (congress) or the next 6 years (senate) we never existed.
Mrs. Jazzy, this is supposed to be the "land of the free", which I always asummed meant that we were free to decide whose bullshit to listen to. So please tell me why black people in this day and time follow behind the lying-ass dumbacrats like a herd of sheep? I don't understand it.
Side note...
I am not siding with your president on this but.... I heard that the reason he vetoed the SCHIP program is because the Dumbocrats wanted to raise the level of coverage from it's current level of 35k for a family of 4, to 86k for a family of 4. If you make 86k a year you should be able to afford health care, don't you think? I have to research this further, but if it is true, this is another example of the blatent disrespect that this party has for the people that voted for them.
Lol. In my last and only life I was a, drum roll please.........social worker! Is that funny or what!? At any rate, the schip program is a means tested program, which is to say that before the family can be eligible they have the meet the criteria for poverty. I know it might not look as if a family of 4 at $86k is at poverty, but it takes into acct things like mortgage, utils, (not the cable), and it looks at poverty levels for the kids, not the parents. By no means will all children be eligible. Some may have to accrue medical bills in the thousands before becoming eligible. You could have a family of 5 kids and only one might be eligible because kids are too old or their income of their parents makes them ineligible. Dems should point this out, not all children who apply are going to eligible by any means.
On the other side, I could just spit nails, dangit! We gave those people a mandate just like they asked for and they failed. Curese! Lol.
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