Tuesday, October 30, 2007


O.K. So now I don't need my voting rights because I'm more likely to die before completely using them?@#$%&* What the hell kind of sense does that make? Fire the fool, please.

Justice Official Apologizes for Remarks on Minorities

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 30, 2007; 11:00 AM

The head of the Justice Department's voting section apologized today for saying that racial minorities are more likely to die before becoming elderly and therefore are not hurt as much as whites by voter identification laws.

In prepared testimony for an appearance in front of a House Judiciary subcommittee this morning, John K. Tanner said his remarks earlier this month at the National Latino Congreso in Los Angeles "do not in any way accurately reflect my career of devotion" to upholding federal voting rights laws.

"I want to apologize for the comments," Tanner said in his testimony. " . . . I understand that my explanation of the data came across in a hurtful way, which I deeply regret."

The apology follows a series of remarks by Tanner this month that have caused a political uproar and led to calls from some Democrats, including presidential hopeful Barack Obama, that Tanner resign or be fired.

Tanner, a 31-year career Justice Department employee, has previously come under fire for his stewardship at the voting section, including his approval of a controversial voter identification law for the state of Georgia and his handling of an investigation into alleged voting irregularities in Ohio during the 2004 elections.

At the Los Angeles conference earlier this month, Tanner said that voter identification laws primarily affect elderly people because they are less likely to have photo IDs, and are less likely to impact minorities who tend to die earlier.

"Our society is such that minorities don't become elderly the way white people do," Tanner said. "They die first . . . And so anything that disproportionately impacts the elderly has the opposite impact on minorities--just the math is such as that."

A few days earlier, Tanner also suggested to the Georgia NAACP that poor people are likely to have photo IDs because check-cashing businesses require them.

Tanner, who is white, also asked the group: "You think you get asked for ID more than I do? I've never heard anyone talk about driving while white."

The remarks prompted widespread criticism from Democrats, who said Tanner's analysis of demographic patterns was flawed and amateurish and indicated a lack of concern for minority rights. In a letter to acting Attorney General Peter D. Keisler, Obama wrote that Tanner "possesses neither the character nor the judgment" to keep his job.

In separate testimony to be delivered later today, a former voting section analyst says that Tanner's remarks about minority voters "are actually a fair example of his approach to truth, facts and the law."

"Broad generalizations, deliberate misuse of statistics, and casual supposition, in my experience, were preferred over the analytical rigor, impartiality and scrupulous attention to detail that had marked the work of the section prior to Tanner taking control in 2005," Toby Moore, a former Justice Department political geographer, said in his prepared testimony.

Today's hearing by the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is an outgrowth of an ongoing investigation by congressional Democrats into the firings of nine U.S. attorneys and allegations that the Bush administration has overtly politicized the Justice Department.

The House session also comes as Democrats in the Senate have delayed a vote on the confirmation of attorney general nominee Michael B. Mukasey, who raised concerns among some lawmakers by refusing to say whether a type of simulated drowning amounts to torture under U.S. laws.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I don't want to call anyone a liar. But I will. White people who claim that there are some in this country who don't understand what the noose means are liars. Try as I might, I couldn't find the article on Huffpo which convinced me of this. The gentleman stated that he lived in Jena and thought that the truth should be told. We had it all backwards. Those white youths who hung the noose from the tree didn't understand, he said, what that noose meant to black people. Liar. Those boys knew every bit of history behind the hanging of a noose. They have computers don't they? More to the point they have white male relatives, grandfathers, who were only too well aware of what a noose hanging from a tree meant. And you mean to tell me that some old men sitting around with a group of their young male relatives wouldn't tell them the story behind the noose? Might not have even shared a story or two of at least witnessing a lynching? You mean to tell me that those good ol' boys never sat around, recounting the days of when whites reigned supreme and the noose was king? You and I both know damned well that they did.

I am 53 years of age, and grew up not 20 minutes from Washington, D.C., and for all the world you would have thought it was the backwoods of Deliverance. I never really understood how southern Maryland really was until I got older. You would have thought the danged state was somewhere between Georgia and Mississippi. It was that bad. In 1965, at the age of 11 I witnessed something I will never forget. A cross burning. Have you ever seen how those things glow, horribly? It's like nothing you've ever seen. I have never seen a hanging. The pictures are enough to sear the soul. I knew what lynchings were though. I had heard all about them, understood them in all their heart wrenching hideousness. I knew they were used to keep black men in line, understanding where their "place" was.

A lynching is a thing of pure hatred. Don't believe otherwise. A noose hung from a tree, on a door, anywhere, is a symbol of hatred and control. It is a threat. It's statement is a snarled hiss of "I hate you, I hate who you are, and I am using this noose to tell you so." No one who sees a noose should ever believe otherwise, because those of us who are black know its' meaning. We know what those who leave the noose are saying. We know the hatred directed at us for whatever reason. There is no such thing as the noose is a joke. What kind of a joke? A very sick joke? Having hung the noose, knowing its' meaning, knowing what was meant when it was hung, how do you then declare, "oh, it was only a joke, a boyish prank, played by some children." Oh, really? Well black children, yes, they hung those nooses from the tree, they said I hate you, might even like to see you swinging from that noose but hey, they were only playing, why get so upset?

Should the young white boys who hung the noose from the tree charged and punished with a hate crime? Think about this; when black men where lynched no one wanted to see those who did the lynching punished, at least not other whites. Perhaps justice would have been served if those kids had been made to study the history of lynchings in this country, made to put together a packet which could then be shown throughout the school system in Louisiana, and they could also have been made to study the justice system in this country as it pertains to young black men and their incarceration rates. They should not have gone unpunished, and at the very least they should have been made to understand why their "prank" was not a "joke". At least not to black people who have seen such things.

No, the noose as a symbol is not a joke. The author of that piece knew it, and so did those young white boys in Jena, which is why they hung the noose. Why would you hang a noose and not know the meaning? And if they didn't know the meaning then surely this says that they created the same meaning as did their forefathers, doesn't it? I consider that a horrifying thought, don't you? No matter how you look at it, the noose still means hatred and death to black men.

PS:I did find this article again, and it was posted on Huffpo. Apparently, Media Myths About The Jena 6, by Craig Franklin, has been flying around the wed since it was written. Jack and Jill has an article here, taking the myth apart finely.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


In November of 2006, the people, republicans and democrats alike, went to the poles and did what congress asked us to do. We handed them a mandate to end the war. We voted overwhelmingly to oust many republicans and replace them with democrats, to the tune of regaining congress by one. There is nothing to be said about Joe Lieberman. He is a democrat, turned independent, who is a republican in sheep's clothing. Nancy Pelosi was voted first female speaker of the house for nothing. She came in riding her white horse, assuring us that she was going to issue a stinging defeat to Notpreznitbush, and she caved. She gave into the republicans because she feared that the would paint her with their brush or hatred, she hates America, she hates the soldiers, she's soft on the war on terror. The democrats couldn't stand not to go about their business and make Notpreznitbush blink first. They had nerves, no back bone, no heroicism, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it. We waited and waited in vain, hoping that their spines would come back, but alas, no. A spine doesn't want to be yours if you can't use it properly, and most spines want to be known for standing up to anything, including presidents who were never elected.

Today it is official. The democratic party is dead. Pete Stark, rep. from California, had this to say of Notpreznitbush's veto of the schip program; "You're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement." Of course, the right jumped on him right away, crying foul, calling for him to apologize. Many of the spineless left also called for him to apologize, and for a few days he didn't. They finally got to boyfriend over the weekend, threatening him with censure. Poor baby, I guess not even knowing ho many of us approved of what he said didn't help. He, like so many others before him, couldn't stand the whinny baby crying of either party, or the vast and vicious hatred of the right. Damn. Just listening to him and that sad, pathetic apology is nauseating.

This is just too much for me. Al Gore should be finishing up his second illustrious term. Instead, he has gone on to win an Emmy, and Oscar, and now the Nobel Peace Prize, and any other award which can be heaped on the man. Our country would know peace now, and probably the prosperity of the evil Clenis, who left us with a surplus in the coffers. Imagine the amount of money that would be in there now with Gore at the helm. Our industries would not have pulled up steaks and moved to foreign countries, forcing the former workers to pack the crates for the move. Katrina would never have happened as it did. Look what's happening [to] for the victims of the San Diego fires. Instead, we have war(s), a recession looming, rampant foreclosures on sub prime rates that never should have happened, the tossing of the middle class into the lower middle class, on and on and on. Our justice system is not our justice system but the right's justice system.

Yes, the dems long national nightmare is over and they no longer have to pretend to have a spine at all, if ever they did have one. They did give it a valiant try though, I have to admit that. It took Nancy Pelosi a few weeks to turn into a bona fide Chicken Head. With Pete Stark's forced apology, it's official now. Nancy Pelosi is a Chicken Head. She swept into office of Speaker of the House and quickly turned it into a barnyard. Everybody is bucking and clucking and doing nothing at all. She promised the war would quickly be ended and here we are, about to end the year, and not the war. All she had to do was send a bill to Notpreeznitbush and let him veto it. That's all. But she couldn't even do that. Just let him veto the damned bill which would have made him look like the idiot that he is. Nooooooooooo. Nancy Chicken Head Pelosi couldn't do that. They listened to the whisperings of the republicans, got their asses kicked and handed to them again, and sat down like whipped dogs.

I don't blame Rep. Pete Stark, really I don't. I imagine that I could hold out against whatever was said to me, because really, why should I care? What could they do to me other than send me home? If I held to my principles wouldn't that be all that mattered? As for Notpreznitbush, hasn't he had enough names hurled at him that he inured to it all? Isn't he man enough to take the names even if he isn't man enough to go to war? Not man enough to not send others to war when he's never been himself? You see, nopreznitbush is a chicken, too. To chicken to go to war. A chicken hawk. Nancy's in good company. No, I don't blame Pete at all, not in the current atmosphere of democratic spinelessness. I know that many of us tried to send him a message of courage, tried to tell him that we appreciated his standing up to those schip vetoing bullies, but I guess when you have all those chickens wildly bucking and clucking at you it's hard.

It's been a long, slow, death for the democratic party. Where did it all start? With the Nixon debacle? Fueled by Carter? Cemented by Regan? Built into a true funeral pyre by Clinton? All of the above probably, but also added to that is the vicious hatred of the republican party. of course, everything about the Clintons whipped the republicans into hate of which I have never seen the likes. Their hatred led them to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a sex act. Which all men lie about at some time in their lives. It's just that this was Bill Most Hated Man Clinton, and he had to be punished. By Ken I have no life Starr. Al Gore, now one of America's most decorated citizens, having recently won the Nobel Peace prize for his work on global warming. He, or course, would not demand a recount of the 2000 vote. And who could forget that Frenchified John Kerry? How could he compete against a man who does nothing on his ranch but clear brush? Wind surfing! What the hell kind of Frenchified sport is that? Only the French would do it! And of course, once again, there was disenfranchisement in Florida, those damned pregnant chads. The republicans only respect the sanctity of life, not the right of life to vote.

Perhaps the democratic party is only on life support, and not really dead yet. Perhaps if the dems can win the 2008 election, the party can be resuscitated, just maybe. I'll have to take a wait and see attitude, but with things the way they are, I don't hold out much hope. But I won't pull the plug just yet.

Now playing: Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five - Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


O.K. I admit that I'm still angry and upset with what digby had to say about Cosby, and madder still that when I checked out the video it was nothing like she said, and not only that, but both he and Dr. Toussaint appeared on Ophra today, something I just happened across accidentally. At least I've calmed down enough not to write a post concerning who and what a Ms. Ann is, lol. She got lucky on that one. For now. Since this fool was still going on about gibberish, I posted again on her blog that she needed to do her research before stating that anyone was talking gibberish. Before I state anything that I've seen, heard or read, I want to make sure that I fact check what I'm saying, and while it may be her belief that Cosby was talking gibberish, he was not. I did a search and found the video of the interview on another site, and I saw nothing of the kind. I also read some of the responses to that video, and they were the usual. There were some pros and some cons for what Cosby had to say, and of course some people felt that we should not be airing our dirty laundry, which is par for the course. But not one person stated that they thought Cosby was talking gibberish.

The interview that Cosby did with Ophra is up on her site here. I watched a whole hour of Ophra and I want you to know that's saying something. I am not a fan of much of commercial television, but for that hour I actually watched. Bill Cosby did not speak gibberish. He spoke about the same subjects he has for the past six or seven years; our kids and education; their discipline; that we should know what's going on in their lives. He also had a brother and sister, who's boyfriend had shot their mother before their eyes, with the brother begging for his life. The sister spiraled into drug use and sale and had a baby at the age of 16. Both were there to tell the audience that in spite of what they went through, with the help of their grandmother and other members of the community, they were able to survive their tragedy and go on to lead productive lives.

If you're going to babble on inanely about someone as digby does about Bill Cosby, why not make sure of what you're babbling about? Why not make sure that what you're giving ignorant views about are true, by making sure that you've carefully listened to what you're watching, and understood it at the same time, instead of running off inanely at the mouth before those who read you and believe every word you print. Perhaps digby thinks she is defending blacks against the undeserved jabs she feels Cosby is issuing to people who can't defend themselves, which he is not. Cosby is not, as I and so many other blacks know, leveling judgment against that segment of our population who honestly cannot do any better, but he is leveling it against those who know they can do better but aren't even trying. We know he is talking to those of us who know we must do better, for themselves and for their children, or we as a culture will slip further and further behind. He does it because he knows that there is no leader out there doing what needs to be done, and he does it because he loves his people. He does it because if he doesn't, no one will.

Because I still can't believe digby said what she did, that she portrays herself as honestly not knowing what kind of "gibberish" Cosby is speaking, I will give her the benefit of the doubt and not accuse her of racism, but state that she does need to examine the video again and visit Ophra's site for the video of her show, then rethink her statements. Otherwise, I'll just go on believing she's a drunken old fool who needs to get her head examined and hearing aid tested.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I am so indredibly angry I hope I don't burn my machine up. Digby, at Hullabaloo, has written one of the most irresponsible pieces I have ever seen. Apparently, Bill Cosby was on Meet the Press this weekend and caused a stir in the white world, setting digby off. She posted a transcript of his comments and none of the questions he was asked, claiming that Cosby rambled on and spoke mostly gibberish, and did not give Dr. Alvin Toussaint any chance to speak whatsoever. Before I even began posting I checked out the video and my anger mounted. The video quite clearly shows that Cosby is speaking clearly, intelligently, and knows exactly what he is saying. He isn't saying anything that he hasn't been saying for the last five or six years, and he isn't saying anything that isn't the truth. Not only did she not do her homework, she misrepresented everything that Cosby was saying, and did a lazyassed hit job.

I am so sick and tired of white people telling black people what to say about their own situations and anything else for that matter. I refuse to link to her site because she ain't worth all that, but I did do a response to her.

Dear Ms. Ann;
I am not going to wear you the brand new ass you deserve because you're so sorry and pitiful. I understood what Bill Cosby was saying perfectly and I wholeheartedly agree with him. What happened to the questions he was asked? Might that have helped your readers to understand what he was saying instead of assigning it as so much gibberish spoken by an "elderly black man?" Perhaps if you jut stuck to trying to interpret the meanings of your own ugly racist culture then all would be well for you. Just stick what you know, white people, and you will be all right. I've grown weary of white people telling black people how to think, what to say, when to say it, when it is proper for blacks to speak, always to wait on whites to give us the signal. Please Ms. Ann, may I speak a word Ms. Ann, ain't meanin' no harm ya understands, but I'se got apiece to speak, iffn' you don't mind. Yessem, I'mma sit down now, sorry to bother you, Ms. Ann. I have no idea what your politics, and could care less really. I don't trust whites as far I can throw em, repugs or dummycrats, because as you can see, racism still exist, on either side. Republicans hate the hell out of us and we know it; democrats, similar to you, think we should just sit at the back of the room and hesh our mouths, and just listen to what the white man has to say, and then vote for them. I'm beginning to believe that we don't owe our allegiance to anyone, right or left, and that you need to work harder to earn our attention. I never read you because you, like many other white bloggers, aren't worth the print or my attention, but since my attention was called to your post, here I am. You might remember me from back in 2003 when I said you were white. At the time I had no idea that anyone wanted to do you harm. Perhaps instead of that white man's pic you would have been better off putting up the pic of a lawn jockey, then no one would have guessed you were a Ms. Ann white woman. I would suggest you look up the term Ms. Ann. Now, you take care, and please, stay on the white side of the tracks and stop venturing into the black world. I wouldn't want you to tarred. I'm also going to post this on my own blog, and try to look up that interview with Bill Cosby.

I have since viewed the video of what Bill had to say, and I got even angrier. digby's post was even shallower and more racist than I thought, and was highly irresponsible. That video of the interview he did with Tim Russert is just as lucid an intelligent as Bill Cosby has ever been, and he isn't saying anything he hasn't already said before. For her to have posted his comments in such a manner, with no questions, and just saying that his statements were the ravings of a senile old man are just beyond irresponsible to just plain racist. The video is available on Youtube, and it shows that Cosby is speaking just as lucidly and eloquently as he has all the years of his long and wonderful career. I would suggest to digby that if she isn't going to do anything but a lazyassed, halfassed job, then as far as black people are concerned- don't do us any damned favors, please.

The video of the conversation with Russert can be seen at msnbc in the video section, and comes right up at this time. Just totally unbelievable.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Apparently, David Banner is still whining, snotting and crying about the fact that black women are demanding that he act like an adult and stop portraying us in an insulting and degrading manner. Here is the interview he gave to Rolling Stone. And below is my response. A tip of the hat to WAOD.

You know, everyone seems to forget what this is really all about. This is about painting black women as bitches, whores, sluts, golddiggers and anything else so called hip hop "artist" care to paint us as, degrading us like so much used toilet tissue, all the while painting themselves as humanitarians. This is about taking away the view of a black woman as a human being, a living breathing entity, and not so much whole sale slop, to be used by black men to earn a dime from the very same folks on this post; whites. How can calling a black woman bitch, whore, slut be art? Who is David Banner to paint every black woman as such? Or any hip hop "artist" for that matter? Is he the arch angel of God that he knows that this is who she is? If everyone in the ghetto is calling black women by these names, doesn't it mean that he should be correcting them not joining them? All David Banner and the rest of hip hop is saying is this; we have found out that by degrading black women in a way in which they cannot defend themselves, and in a way that shows their degradation by us as black men, and in imagery that is insulting, disgusting and pornographic, which sells to the population with the most money, we want to continue as we have because not only does it make us money, it's our freedom of speech. We don't feel as if we have an obligation to portray black women in any realistic light whatsoever, as that does not add money to our pockets, nor to the pockets of our white masters, the record moguls we slave to. Black women should just sit down and shut the fuck up because we have finally found a way to use their black asses in a way that enriches us; writing lyrics like bitch I know; making sex objects out of women for years at BET; showing them in thongs and nipple covers, cavorting around with black men covered from head to toe in baggy clothing, showing nothing; Tip Drill; chinging a credit card card down a black woman's butt cheeks; yes Nellie, you will be forever remembered for that; showing the world that the only thing a black woman is good for is being ready for sex, any time, any where, any place, and with however many men we please; we want to be able to continue the degradation, and to hell with black women and what they have to say, it's all art. David Banner, in essence, is saying that I don't want to be an adult, I want to be forever 16, for who but a 16 year old could write such lyrics? Who but a 16 year old could ask to be excused for the imagery of black women as sexual jungle bunnies? As no more than a lascivious and lewd animalistic being? Only little boys would whine and cry in this way when they know they've been caught doing things they know are past them, when they know they need to put aside cursing women and begin to become men and respect not just black women but themselves. Only little boys would whine at being told they must now put away their "toys" and become men, and act as a man would act, not as a little boy, snickering behind his hand and cursing adults. That is what must happen if hip hop "artists" want to be respected. They must put aside their degradation and misogynistic views of women, and become part of the human race. If they want respect they're going to have to earn it. You're not a humanitarian if you don't treat one half of the race, and part of the race you belong to as so much garbage to be discarded and thrown away. Until you do this, I cannot consider you as men, for how can I when you degrade and disrespect me before the rest of the world? It doesn't work that way, and the sooner you accept this fact the sooner hip hop will grow and become respected for the incredible black created musical force that it can be, and not the destructive force of children.


Why I followed a story to the New York Times I don't know, which is often the case for me. My memory ain't worth diddly. I won't print the whole story here, but you can read it here. Be ready with a box of tissues. It's the story of a rape epidemic in the Congo. Damn.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Authors and 'Three Doctors' bond with fathers
NEWARK — They're three friends from Newark's inner city who demolished the stereotypes, overcame the odds and became doctors and authors.

They called themselves "The Three Doctors." Their third book, The Bond: Three Young Men Learn to Forgive and Reconnect With Their Fathers (Riverhead, $24.95), arrives Thursday.

That also happens to be the birthday of Rameck Hunt's father, Alim Bilal. An ex-con and former drug addict, Bilal belatedly put his life together, inspired by his son's success.

"The publisher didn't know it was his birthday," Hunt says. "It's spooky in a way, but maybe it's a sign: that it's a book that was meant to be."

Hunt, Sampson Davis and George Jenkins, all 34, grew up in broken homes. As they tell it, their mothers and grandmothers did all the heavy lifting of being parents. Their fathers were mostly absent.

That part of the story is all too familiar. The rest is not: The three friends pledged in their senior year of high school that they would all go to college, then on to medical school.

They did, and they wrote about it in their 2002 best seller, The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream. A children's version, WeBeat the Street: How a Friendship Pact Led to Success, followed in 2005.

Hunt, an internist at the University Medical Center in Princeton, N.J., came up with the idea for the new book. At first, he thought it would be about just him and his father.

But as he talked to Davis and Jenkins, "we realized that each of us had a similar but different story to tell. We had all grown up in a world where it seemed normal for men to abandon their children."

Davis, an emergency-room doctor at Newark's St. Michael's Medical Center and two other hospitals, has a Christmas memory of the year when he was 6 when his father pulled a gun on his mother.

"Mine wasn't the kind of house where you could learn a lot about conflict resolution," he says.

Jenkins, a dentist in Harlem and a professor at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, grew up with little contact with his father, who lived in South Carolina.

"I'm not sure I even knew his phone number," he says.

Never a Father's Day

In their predominantly poor and black Newark neighborhood, Hunt says, "Father's Day was kind of like Rosh Hashana," the Jewish New Year. "It seemed like a celebration for other people, a day that belonged to another culture."

For their book, they enlisted the assistance of Margaret Bernstein, a reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, who wrote an article about them they liked.

They set out not only to describe their childhoods but also to include their fathers' stories and the sons' attempts to get past their lingering resentments. "Sometimes a son has to take it upon himself to bridge the gap when a father can't," is how Hunt puts it.

At the end of a workday last week, the three doctors all looked tired. They were meeting at the Newark campus of Rutgers University, where they have an office for their educational/medical foundation (threedoctorsfoundation .org). But the more they talked about their book, the more energetic they became.

Not that is was easy to write. Jenkins recalls that his initial enthusiasm for the project dredged up "bitter feelings I had buried about my dad, feelings that eat at you and can eat you up." For a while, he stopped work on the book, waiting to see chapters from Davis and Hunt. And he had to persuade his father to open up to Bernstein about his failures. Jenkins says, "My attitude was, 'At least he can do this for me.' "

Davis' father, Kenneth, 81, became too ill to cooperate, but the other two dads did. "Both were extremely likable men," Bernstein says. "Although they were absentee fathers, they weren't villains."

By then, Hunt's father, 52, had rebuilt his life and talked "easily about his life and his flaws and his many regrets," she says. "He knew how to wield his personal story effectively, like a cautionary tale."

She found George Jenkins Sr., 65, "wanted badly to not repeat the pattern of fatherlessness he'd had in his own life. Yet he didn't know how to create that bond during his brief visits with his son. I found it sad; he had thought he could wait until George became a man to explain his side of the story, but it was too little too late."

Newark: 'Worst of all'

In 1975, two years after the three doctors were born, Harper's analyzed the 50 largest cities and declared that Newark "stands without serious challenge as worst of all." After decades of losing white and middle-class black residents, downtown is in what officials call a "renaissance," but Newark remains one of the most violent cities. Per capita, its murder rate is three times higher than New York's.

In August, even jaded Newark was shocked by the murders of three black college students who, police said, weren't involved with a gang or drugs, just socializing at a playground. Witnesses said they were lined up and shot in the head in an apparent robbery.

"It's so senseless," Jenkins says. "They weren't bad kids. They weren't in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing. How can you protect them?"

Hunt knows how quickly a life can change on the streets. At 16, he got into a fight with a crackhead, and to show off to his friends, he "gently" stabbed him in the thigh with a knife. Hunt was charged with attempted murder, but the case was thrown out when the victim failed to appear in court. The close call helped him realize "that being a rough guy wasn't me."

None of the three doctors is married or a father. All are dating, a subject they kid each other about. And all say that growing up with absentee fathers has made relationships with women harder.

"I never got a chance to see how to treat a lady every day, how to compromise, how to make a relationship work while raising a family," Jenkins says.

Hunt says: "We didn't write a how-to book. We're not telling anyone how to be a good father. But we wanted to help inspire and provoke people to think about their fathers or their sons and daughters."

He hopes the book is "more universal than it appears on the cover: three young black guys, like this is only a problem for black families."

Statistics do show fatherlessness is most common among poor black families, but Hunt says: "It can be problem even if the dad is in the home but emotionally unavailable. They don't have statistics for that."

At the funeral of Davis' father in May, a relative showed Davis a copy of a résumé Davis wrote when he was in medical school.

"My dad had made copies of it and sent it around to relatives down South to show what I had done. He was proud of me, but he couldn't tell me directly. So part of me has to say, 'That's OK. That's who he was.' "

For years, Jenkins didn't want anyone to think "that my father had something to do with the success I've experienced. So I admit that I have put up a wall between us."

Changing that remains a work in progress. His father's chapter in the book ends hopefully: "I continue to invite George to family reunions so he can meet the folks down here who are so proud of him. Perhaps one of these days, he'll make it."

Jenkins hasn't but says he hopes to someday: "It's always at the wrong time. I'm busy. I've got a new job, and I've got the foundation, and I've got my own life.

"But it's not malicious. I used to have a lot of resentment that he wasn't there when I needed him, but at some point you've got to let it go and say, 'What's the point?' One of these years, I'll make that reunion."


-George Jenkins Sr. and George Jenkins

Background: His father's heavy drinking, George Jenkins writes, prompted his mother to leave South Carolina and move north with her two sons. Jenkins, who wasn't quite 2, writes, "I don't think I've seen my father a dozen times since we got on that bus."

Current relationship: Still tenuous, although Jenkins says forgiving his father has allowed him to move forward. "I began to see that my dad didn't intentionally make things the way they were, nor did he want them to be that way. … We now talk fairly often and care enough to keep up-to-date with what's going on in each other's life."

-Alim Bilal and Rameck Hunt

Background: Hunt's parents never married. Except for one summer, Hunt never lived with his father, who spent more than two decades as an addict, in and out of prison. A decade ago, Bilal kicked his drug habit, went back to college and became a drug and alcohol counselor.

Current relationship: Close, although Bilal suffered brain damage after a heart attack last year. He can't walk and doesn't speak much. His son has abandoned "visions of him going on tour with us to promote this book. I couldn't wait to show him off."

-Kenneth Davis and Sampson Davis

Background : After years of fighting with his wife, Kenneth Davis moved out to live with his girlfriend when his son was 12. Even before that, he had been a "distant and hands-off dad." He stayed in his son's life only peripherally, although he lived just 20 minutes away.

Current relationship: Kenneth Davis died in May after years of suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. His son writes, "There is a part of me that will always be missing, a part that is uncompensated by everything else I do."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Summary: On MSNBC Live with Dan Abrams, discussing Bill O'Reilly's recent controversial comments about his visit to Sylvia's restaurant in Harlem, Rhode Island radio host John DePetro stated: "It was a discussion on race and we're talking about Harlem. And by and large -- I lived in New York for years -- white people don't go to Harlem." He continued: "If Dan Abrams and John DePetro, Bill O'Reilly, some white guys are sitting around a table, and Dan Abrams said, 'Yeah, I was up in Harlem last night.' We would think you were either, a) looking for drugs, or, b) looking for a prostitute."

O.K., there is something going on here. There's just too many white folks coming out of the woodwork with their racist views and attitudes! Video here.


Today, Tuesday Oct 2nd, I was in line for the Blackwater hearing on Capitol Hill at 9:15 in the morning. When I got to the front of the line at 11:30, Capitol Police stopped the line. I stood there for two hours while the same officers who leapt on me three weeks ago outside of the Petraeus hearing, pointed and stared at me. I stood there, humming “we shall overcome.”

Congresswoman Maxine Waters showed up at 1:30 and saw me standing there. She demanded that I be let into the hearing. Cops were swarming the door, and the honorable Congresswoman from California escorted me into the hearing. Once I got in, three cops stood near me, so I would not forget that I was in their territory.

It is just incredible that as a peace activist, a former Chaplain candidate in the Air Force Reserve, and a Minister, I would be treated so disrespectfully in the halls of Congress.

In case you've forgotten you can see video here.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Michael Medved became Keith Olberman's worst person in the world last night, for spouting his racist views on slavery. You can watch the video here. Just click on the picture of Medved to be taken to the video. He deserves it.