Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Should We Have An Agenda?

I think one of the reasons none of the parties pays attention to the African American communities of late is the fact that they think that we have "made it" as it were. Dr. King was assassinated before he could begin the next leg of his journey, and with that we were left with nothing. Perhaps that is the point where we should begin again, where his legacy left off. As I see, from reading some of the fine African American blogs, I am beginning to discover, and of course, as I know from daily life, crime in our communities is one of the biggest subjects we have to tackle. Education would be tops on my agenda. Too many of our young people are either rotting in the prisons of this country, or they're dead. From being shot by the police, or black on black crime. With primaries coming up next year, surely it's not too late to put together an agenda of what's important to the black community, and surely, within the next three to four years, those of us in the black blogging community should be ready to meet like YearlyKos, and be ready to present our own agenda to those who would have our vote? Shouldn't we? We should, we can, we must. We don't have an option not to.

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