one more sister adding her voice to the bloggosphere
The revolution may not be televised, but perhaps it can be bloggerized.
I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky, rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
Langston Huges
a dream for our children
a dream is the gift of reading because reading enables a child to dream of all the things they might become from a sorcerer to president to astronaut reading encourages the dream
a blogger's work
there is so much work to be done i worry that i won't be able to get to all that i want to, but i also worry that if i make no attempt at all, that nothing at all will get done me
urban legend
those who would call themselves "artists" should beware that those who consume the greatest amount of our culture are whites and other non black cultures the "art" you put out there should not consist of hatred for sisters, brothers or others, for "art" that hates or portrays negative images solely for the purpose of a dollar is not art at all beware of those who consume your "art" urban "culture" becomes urban legend becomes urban truth becomes urban fact and is not so easily erased at all me
Donald Washington for his denial that the incident with the hanging of the nooses in Jena and the fight involving Mychal Bell were related
Juan Williams, for trying to protect his talking head buddy, Bill O'Rielly, who just couldn't believe that black folks sat in a restaurant owned by blacks, and acted like everyone else did, like white restaurants, and didn't ask for their m'fer iced tea.
Joe Watkins, another republican apologist making excuses for O'Reilly
Justice Clarence Thomas Author:My Grandfather's Son This is one angry non black man He's angry about being black He's angry about not being white He's angry that whites don't see him as white He's still angry about the grilling he got during his confirmation hearings But not angry that he used affirmative action programs to go to school- which he now doesn't agree with Well Mr. Thomas, as you once said, whoop dee damn do!
if you blog and no one reads you is it still a blog? you bet it is! it is your blog full of your thoughts as you see them something no one can change or take from you so please blog on!
Today is the 6th anniversary of 9/11 Did you know that the total number of people killed during the attack was 2,819.
Estimated amount donated to 9/11 charities: $1.4 billion Estimated amount of money raised for funds dedicated to NYPD and FDNY families: $500 million
Between 1441 and 1888, Europeans and their descendants in the Americas enslaved many millions of Africans. Torn from their homeland, men, women, and children were shipped to the Americas and forced into slavery.
Slave traders actively encouraged wars in Africa, resulting in the death or enslavement of millions more Africans on that continent than ended up in the Americas. Scholars of African history believe the total number of Africans killed or abducted in Africa and the Americas could be between 50 and 100 million. Whatever the figure, the slave trade brought death and dislocation on an unimaginable scale. Its full impact will never be fully known.
There have never been any reparations paid to the decedents of slaves in this country.
JP Morgan Chase & Co. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc Brown Brothers Harriman American International Group Inc Loylds of London Loews Corp, tabaco/insur WestPoint Stevens Inc, textiles Union Pacific, Norfolk Southern railroads RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc Brown & Williams Tobacco Corp Liggett Group, indirectly owned by Vector Group ltd
bitch; female dog; animal; mutt, mangy mongrel; low down cur, or even person; used as derogatory slang in hip hop and rap against black women; used by black men to make a damned dime. for black history month such "artists" should resolve not to dehumanize, devalue, and heap hate on another human being for want of a dollar, thereby dehumanizing themselves.
Hey Luda Are you the new duda who just got thrown under the wheels of the bus known as Obama express?! And are you now incredulous that the wheels of that yellow bus are now treadin' on yo back with a crack, crack, crack? Now you're Ludicrous!
Mrs. Jazzy
You that you ain't right for this one don't you. But you ain't wrong either. LOL
gotta watch out for them tire treads!
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