So, it's finally happened. After years of fighting brothers calling sister bitches, along with a whole host of other names, a rapper finally crossed over and called white women bitches and the shyt might hit the fan now, lmfbao. Ludacris has writen some lyrics calling Hillary Clinton an irrelevant bitch, which the precious has now condemmed. Now, he knew these lyrics were being writen all along, but as usual he let them go out, then condemmed, once the cat was out of the bag. Once again this man's wonderful judgment is showing. Is Mechelle a bitch? His daughters? His grandmother? Well, she might be as he has already thrown her under the bus, lol. Since black women couldn't get this misoginistic crap to stop, maybe white women can. As long as no brother ever calls me a bitch to my face I'm good. When he does I'm going to take out a gun and shoot the bitch, lol.
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