Who is this white man and why is he trying to disenfranchise me? OK, so I know it's almost all but over and I am going to be forced to accept the giver of Purple Rain(and we all know where it comes from, and yes I know that's nasty, but I don't care), but why do I have to be told by a white man from Canada(dang I want to call it something else, but got to be pc) who to vote for? THIS MAN HAS NO CITIZENSHIP IN THIS COUNTRY! He wrote a piece here, as does everyone, on the virtues of becoming an Obamaton, which I refuse to do. While I respect the rights of his minions, his besotted bots, to vote for the man, as is their right, why do so many people want to disenfranchise me? Take my rights from me? Doesn't anybody care about fair play anymore, or is it just so much hatred overruling people's minds that they can't see straight? While I have no love for Obama, it would never occur to me to try and prevent people for voting for the man, and in fact insure that they get their chance to do so. This is the way our voting system is structured, and those of us who should applaud its' use the most should be African Americans, who's votes have for so long been disenfranchised, witness Florida.
People, we really need to remember our history. It was not that long ago that our votes were discounted in every way imaginable, once given to us. With Dr. King shinning a light on those practices, poll taxes, having to prove reading skills, forms of id which we might not have, all manner of things to keep up from voting, we need to be very careful in the ways in which we treat each other when it comes to the sacred right of voting, whether we decide to exercise it by standing in incredibly long lines, send our ballots in, or whatever the process, we need to remember that at times people have given their lives to ensure that we have that right. Blacks in this country have not always had that right guaranteed, and you can be sure that there will be some shenanigans with this election. We need to also remember that when we cast our ballots we may also be doing so for others who can't vote for themselves, those who are incapable of doing so and who need us to do so for them, so to speak. I always felt that the democratic party was one who tried to see to the needs of those who were already disenfranchised by circumstances beyond their control, but with this election cycle I'm afraid that may no longer be true.
If Purple Rain has any sense he will stop trying to disenfranchise the rest of us voters, but hey, it took him this long to leave that hell hole of a church he belonged to. Won't save his soul tho, lol. The man in the picture is Donald Sutherland, who is a citizen of Canada, not of these Ununited States of America, father of Kiefer Sutherland, he of 24 fame. I have no problem with this, but he made me angry weighing in on American politics, trying to disenfranchise me! Bad enough I have to have American white males with their feet on my neck, but dang, go back to Canuckistan you Canadian! Lol.
People, we really need to remember our history. It was not that long ago that our votes were discounted in every way imaginable, once given to us. With Dr. King shinning a light on those practices, poll taxes, having to prove reading skills, forms of id which we might not have, all manner of things to keep up from voting, we need to be very careful in the ways in which we treat each other when it comes to the sacred right of voting, whether we decide to exercise it by standing in incredibly long lines, send our ballots in, or whatever the process, we need to remember that at times people have given their lives to ensure that we have that right. Blacks in this country have not always had that right guaranteed, and you can be sure that there will be some shenanigans with this election. We need to also remember that when we cast our ballots we may also be doing so for others who can't vote for themselves, those who are incapable of doing so and who need us to do so for them, so to speak. I always felt that the democratic party was one who tried to see to the needs of those who were already disenfranchised by circumstances beyond their control, but with this election cycle I'm afraid that may no longer be true.
If Purple Rain has any sense he will stop trying to disenfranchise the rest of us voters, but hey, it took him this long to leave that hell hole of a church he belonged to. Won't save his soul tho, lol. The man in the picture is Donald Sutherland, who is a citizen of Canada, not of these Ununited States of America, father of Kiefer Sutherland, he of 24 fame. I have no problem with this, but he made me angry weighing in on American politics, trying to disenfranchise me! Bad enough I have to have American white males with their feet on my neck, but dang, go back to Canuckistan you Canadian! Lol.
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