I swear to you, I think black militancy in this country needs to make a comeback because there is some truly weird thinking going on in this country, there really is. This is a response to a column here on Hatepo(formerly known as Huffington Post). I call it that because the posters there do nothing but hate on Hillary Clinton and lap up Obama with a spoon(ickkk).
Let's see, who's on the list of loyal disloyals, Kerry, Kennedy, and how many others, with their strange reasons for becoming the most disloyal scumbags ever to walk the earth? I once had respect for these men, but Kerry now looks like the total idiot that he is and Kennedy is a true TRex, tho I like the dino more than I do him these days. And now Richardson? Who gives a rat's ass? Big mealy mouthed traitors all, and they better not ask for my help or support. I went thro my bank acct and found money to give to Hillary. If she is not the nominee then I will simply not vote for Obama, the Flimflam Man from Nowhere, Bamboozle. But I still don't think he will become the president due to the fact that he hasn't been vetted for the other stuff in his background.
I have no intentions of letting you off for not doing what you should, what you know you should. You will still have to look at my black face and feel whatever it is you feel until you speak to me and begin an honest dialog about the work still to be done in this country concerning racism and the mistreatment of blacks. Absolution cannot be granted by one man, nor can his election to the presidency wipe out almost two hundred years of post slavery racism in this country. I don't understand how you people think that works. So you elect Prince Obama, who ain't done a damn thing, (didn't go to New Orleans, to Jena, to Smiley), or who hasn't done a damn thing that I can detect, just so that you might be absolved of your white racist guilt, then you all go home and nothing more gets done about the plight of blacks in this country than has been done in the last forty years since Dr. King died? Is this what you people really think? Like I said, how the hell do you think that works? Has the Prince told black folks that they get nothing out of this deal? That he hasn't promised them a damned thing, no new housing, no new schools, hospitals, jobs, nothing? REPARATIONS? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! So, Prince Obama becomes King, blacks and whites dance in the streets for five minutes then we go back to our zombified racially stratisfied lives? Walking the streets, never looking at each other, with the same old racist things going on? Give me a damned break, you lazy ass cretins, please. Not only is that physically lazy, it's intellectually lazy and dishonest! You people constantly trip me out with this bogus mess of yours, dishonest and slovenly. Dang, ya'll good at it tho. I mean just think, if these turncoats have swung over to the prince, what makes you think they won't turn on him, given the opportunity? It's just like cheating people, they always cheat.
To me, a fifty-four year old black woman in this country, this is not an honest dialog and it means nothing to me. Obama has shown me nothing, told me nothing, that makes me want to vote for him. His bamboozle has not taken with me, and as far as I'm concerned, it's all a fake. Sorry folks, but he is not the one.
Damn Mrs. Jazzy!!
Well.... I do not agree with you on this one. I have never liked Hill-Billy. I have always thought that the Clinton's were lying, power hungry assholes, and I still think they are lying, power hungry assholes. But to each his own. But Damn Boo, Can't you cut a brother (Obama) some slack?
Very interesting commentary!! I can't say that I agree but it was very well written. I am not a fan of Hillary nor Bill and I wasn't even when Bill was president especially with all of black America praising him for smoking weed and getting blow jobs just like the brothers do, which blacks are saying makes Bill the first "black" president.
It will be interesting to see what happens!
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