Sunday, November 11, 2007


I am not now, nor have I ever been an Obama supporter. It has nothing to do with race, at least not for me, but for whites, his blackness is what draws them. Why? Because he is not a black man who grew up in the civil rights era and so has no connection to it or the era of angry black men and women determined to drag this country kicking and screaming into the twentieth century. Barack Obama has nothing to do with the atmosphere of poisonous racial hatred and tensions that shaped and impinged on a generation of blacks who grew up with segregation, Jim Crow laws and lynchings. He might not have even been in the country at that time, so in essence, Sen. Obama is untainted as it were by those views, and so can enjoy the cache bestowed upon him by whites. It doesn't hurt either that his black father was not African American, who might have been shaped by that era. You see, whites don't want our blackness, our history continually thrust in their faces. Which is funny since one of the questions about Obama in the beginning was his blackness. Now it is ours, and the fact that we may be too black as voters, unwilling to give our tacit approval to Obama the presidential candidate.

Arianna Huffington of Huffington Post is what has me in a snit today. One thing to remember about Huffington is the fact that she is a former republican turned democrat. If there is such a thing. You see Arianna was formerly married to the very much gay Michael Huffington, an admitted bi-sexual and former representative from California, who sank Arianna's own dreams of becoming queen of America. She is trumpeting Obama all the way and it shows. I don't have a problem with who these people promote, but I do have a problem with their holier than thou attitude and their Kool Aid drinking ways. Actually, I don't think Huffington, in her snarkiness has drunk the Kool Aid, she just uses it to her advantage, knowing full well that for whatever reason, most people haven't thought out for themselves their views on Clinton, they just acceptingly drink the Kool Aid from the picture of those who hated on Bill Clinton, all republicans, and who spent the whole of his administration trying to derail his presidency, making a mockery of this country in doing so, all the while with stinking, unwashed laundry in their own moral closets.

I drank the Kool Aid too. No, I wasn't anywhere near as hateful as most of the country is, I had just decided I didn't like Clinton. Then I began to examine why. I believed most of the things said about her, to a certain degree. It wasn't with that boiling over hatred of everyone else, but nevertheless, it was there. Was Hillary Clinton cold and calculating? No more so than me. I mean, to get the things in life that you want, even as a woman, you have to be don't you? If not then how do you get to where she's gotten, on your back? I don't think so. She has no human warmth. She's a mother with a daughter who seems to have turned out fine, so where did they get that from? She seems warm enough to me in her dealings with the people around her. In contrast look at Laura Bush and those Bush twins. Were they what people would categorize as a couple of sluttish, sleazy tramps? Did Bush ever reign those girls in to act like young women who were representing their country and the White House? Hell naw, she let them have their sluttish ways all over the globe, male reporters following and salivating all over them, wondering when they could get some. Damn. In spite of what went down in the Monica Lewinsky affair, the Clintons have managed to remain married for thirty-five years. Contrast that with Huffington, Gingrich, Vitter, Craig, and quite a few other republicans and their peccadilloes, just look that crap up. The stuff that Gingrich did would make you sick by comparison with the Clintons.

Obama wasn't black enough.
Edwards became the Breck Girl.
Clinton was cold and unfeeling.
Chinese clapping.

All of this according to who? The press? Detractors? You? Me? This is my theory on blackness; whoever showed up is what you are. Brown in color, kinky of hair? You're black. Tiger Woods? He black. Barack Obama? He black too, lol. Halle Berry? She black. Who can really let you know if you're black? Whites and all other non black races, especially when they get good and ready. Just ask Woods. John Edwards is a wealthy white man running for president. I don't resent the mans' wealth in the face of my own circumstances. Dang, I'm desperate for a new car. If it weren't for a wonderful, loving brother, I don't know where I'd be. He's kept Patches on the road for years now, and being disabled this counts double. I need that car. But do I hate Edwards and his family for having what I don't? No. It's as simple as that. God has given me what I need and will continue to do so. Where did the Breck Girl image start? With some unknown republican source, inventing a smear. It didn't help that Edwards paid for hair cuts and makeup for shoots from his campaign funds, which was the start of the whole thing, but to me this was minor, no biggie. His mistake for me was in stating that Hillary made misstatements within in two minutes on the issue of licenses for illegal aliens. She did not. But of course that was the talk of the town last week after the debates. By who's standards? The press? Right wingers? Yours? Mines? Then there's Chinese clapping. At this time the source of this Chinese clapping seems to come from Chris Tweety Mathews, who spent the week asking why Clinton was clapping at everybody as if she were Chinese. How do they dream these things up? Just sitting around a table talking? I guess so, but really, come on, this was so asinine.

If it's out there it's on the nets and it can be tracked down. I don't have the resources of the msm, (mainstream media), but you can always look things up on the web, always make the attempt to track them down. I do. I refuse to drink that beverage served up with lies, innuendos, gossip, some else's half formed opinions, and whatever else garbage they decide to add to it. It's like GHB, it clouds your mind, keeps you from freely thinking on your own, stops the flow of proper discourse. So I make every effort to do my own fact checking now, before believing some else's. As for Arianna Huffington, don't believe her hype either, she's in love. I believe that girl is happy now with her current headlines concerning Clinton.

The nets, a wonderful thing invented by Al Gore.

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