Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007
that god chose me to be
i feel so honored
that when i was being
conceived he deigned
to confer chocolate
on me
and nappy hair
which has not been processed
for eleven years now
i look at my brown skin
and see its' beauty
its' color
its' texture
and i am eternally grateful
to have been chosen
to represent
my people
chosen in love
i will forget
for the next couple of
months, that i am one
of the most hated things
on mother earth
that because of my beautiful
god chosen brown
people hate me
despise me
say that i am
inherently stupid
because of my brown
because they hate my brown
i will set aside thoughts
that they jail my brown brothers
hate my brown brothers
fear my brown brothers
that they will one day
be seen as equals
as capable of doing as much
if not more as any
of god's other colors
afraid they must share
god's earth with his brown creations
i will chose to do as i have always
done and celebrate the coming holidays
of the birth of my lord and savior
jesus christ
celebrate the many gifts he has bestowed
upon me such as my family and friends
the gift of life after a heart attack
of living one more year
and of having the wherewithal to get by
as we brown people say
it ain't easy being brown
for all that god's other colors
want to deny you
but i wouldn't give nothing
for my journey now
wouldn't take nothing for
my journey now
i pray to god
if i have to come back
this way again
i beg you
pray you
make me brown
make me cool
make me soulful
make me jazz
make me blues
make me r&b
make me soul food
candied yams
ham bones and green beans
and for heaven's sake
don't forget
to make me
potato salad
make me a sistah
god made me brown
because he knew
i could endure
i could survive
as did
my brown mothers
and fathers
before me
jim crow
cross burnings
i've seen one
at my home
no education
poor education
no rights
dr. king
civil rights
i've lived to
witness most of
it change
and not change
but still
i'm thankful
for life
and to be chosen
to be brown
it is an honor
and a privilege
i'm glad to say
i've lived
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
- Hatewatch - http://www.splcenter.org/blog -
Rewriting History: A Black Neo-Confederate Speaks
Posted By Brentin Mock On November 8, 2007 @ 9:15 am In Neo-Confederate
Last week, African-American neo-Confederate activist H.K. Edgerton stopped by Montgomery, Ala., to commemorate the five-year anniversary of his 1,385-mile “March Through Dixie,” a fundraising trek from his home in Asheville, N.C., to Austin, Texas. He was dressed in a gray Confederate soldier’s uniform and hoisted a large Confederate flag, mounted on a pole, over his right shoulder. While visiting Montgomery, Edgerton — an extremely rare black face in the overwhelmingly white neo-Confederate movement — granted Hatewatch an interview in which he detailed his unique perspectives on the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan, and race relations in the antebellum and postwar South. Here are just a few of his more interesting assertions:
• Before the slaves were freed, “Black folks and white folks were family,” he said. “We did all kinds of things together here. White people and slaves saw each other on the streets and they tipped their hats to each other … and asked each other about their families.”
• “The War Between the States is not over. This thing is real!”
• “I don’t see [the Ku Klux Klan] as terrorists. I see them as — I hate to use the word ‘vigilante,’ but vigilante sometimes ain’t as bad as you think. When your government fails you and fails to protect you, you have to turn somewhere.”
• The KKK was “just protecting the people — all of the people, black and white. Blacks wanted to be a part of that.”
• “Why would a man tell my babies [that] walking into a classroom with a Confederate flag on [their clothing] that [that is] demonic, evil and offensive? Black folks in the South been living with that flag all our lives.”
• “It wasn’t so much about [then-Alabama Gov.] George Wallace going to the schoolhouse doors, saying, ‘No, you can’t integrate.’ The thought in his mind was, ‘No, you can’t tell me to integrate. Let us deal with this, and we’re gonna deal with it.’”
• Slaves “were given a new pair of pants and a new pair of shoes every day, and he thinks this white man was cruel! [Black slaves] had the same medical facilities that the white man had. … You look at most of the slave pictures … they are not raggedy and torn. They lived better than most! … Most of them looked better than most of the white folks around and lived better than most of the free world!”
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Arianna Huffington of Huffington Post is what has me in a snit today. One thing to remember about Huffington is the fact that she is a former republican turned democrat. If there is such a thing. You see Arianna was formerly married to the very much gay Michael Huffington, an admitted bi-sexual and former representative from California, who sank Arianna's own dreams of becoming queen of America. She is trumpeting Obama all the way and it shows. I don't have a problem with who these people promote, but I do have a problem with their holier than thou attitude and their Kool Aid drinking ways. Actually, I don't think Huffington, in her snarkiness has drunk the Kool Aid, she just uses it to her advantage, knowing full well that for whatever reason, most people haven't thought out for themselves their views on Clinton, they just acceptingly drink the Kool Aid from the picture of those who hated on Bill Clinton, all republicans, and who spent the whole of his administration trying to derail his presidency, making a mockery of this country in doing so, all the while with stinking, unwashed laundry in their own moral closets.
I drank the Kool Aid too. No, I wasn't anywhere near as hateful as most of the country is, I had just decided I didn't like Clinton. Then I began to examine why. I believed most of the things said about her, to a certain degree. It wasn't with that boiling over hatred of everyone else, but nevertheless, it was there. Was Hillary Clinton cold and calculating? No more so than me. I mean, to get the things in life that you want, even as a woman, you have to be don't you? If not then how do you get to where she's gotten, on your back? I don't think so. She has no human warmth. She's a mother with a daughter who seems to have turned out fine, so where did they get that from? She seems warm enough to me in her dealings with the people around her. In contrast look at Laura Bush and those Bush twins. Were they what people would categorize as a couple of sluttish, sleazy tramps? Did Bush ever reign those girls in to act like young women who were representing their country and the White House? Hell naw, she let them have their sluttish ways all over the globe, male reporters following and salivating all over them, wondering when they could get some. Damn. In spite of what went down in the Monica Lewinsky affair, the Clintons have managed to remain married for thirty-five years. Contrast that with Huffington, Gingrich, Vitter, Craig, and quite a few other republicans and their peccadilloes, just look that crap up. The stuff that Gingrich did would make you sick by comparison with the Clintons.
Obama wasn't black enough.
Edwards became the Breck Girl.
Clinton was cold and unfeeling.
Chinese clapping.
All of this according to who? The press? Detractors? You? Me? This is my theory on blackness; whoever showed up is what you are. Brown in color, kinky of hair? You're black. Tiger Woods? He black. Barack Obama? He black too, lol. Halle Berry? She black. Who can really let you know if you're black? Whites and all other non black races, especially when they get good and ready. Just ask Woods. John Edwards is a wealthy white man running for president. I don't resent the mans' wealth in the face of my own circumstances. Dang, I'm desperate for a new car. If it weren't for a wonderful, loving brother, I don't know where I'd be. He's kept Patches on the road for years now, and being disabled this counts double. I need that car. But do I hate Edwards and his family for having what I don't? No. It's as simple as that. God has given me what I need and will continue to do so. Where did the Breck Girl image start? With some unknown republican source, inventing a smear. It didn't help that Edwards paid for hair cuts and makeup for shoots from his campaign funds, which was the start of the whole thing, but to me this was minor, no biggie. His mistake for me was in stating that Hillary made misstatements within in two minutes on the issue of licenses for illegal aliens. She did not. But of course that was the talk of the town last week after the debates. By who's standards? The press? Right wingers? Yours? Mines? Then there's Chinese clapping. At this time the source of this Chinese clapping seems to come from Chris Tweety Mathews, who spent the week asking why Clinton was clapping at everybody as if she were Chinese. How do they dream these things up? Just sitting around a table talking? I guess so, but really, come on, this was so asinine.
If it's out there it's on the nets and it can be tracked down. I don't have the resources of the msm, (mainstream media), but you can always look things up on the web, always make the attempt to track them down. I do. I refuse to drink that beverage served up with lies, innuendos, gossip, some else's half formed opinions, and whatever else garbage they decide to add to it. It's like GHB, it clouds your mind, keeps you from freely thinking on your own, stops the flow of proper discourse. So I make every effort to do my own fact checking now, before believing some else's. As for Arianna Huffington, don't believe her hype either, she's in love. I believe that girl is happy now with her current headlines concerning Clinton.
The nets, a wonderful thing invented by Al Gore.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I don't know what those episodes are, but they are not a part of the greater discussion that isn't going on. Racism is deep and it is underground in this country, no matter what anyone thinks, from the segregation of the neighborhoods in this country, to the racism in our schools that sets our children up for failure, to the encouragement of the welfare state that has virtually destroyed black family life. Racism in this country is no longer discussed because whites think that blacks in this country have everything they need or are going to get while all the long discriminating. Liberals are just as bad as conservatives. They may espouse views condemning racism, but they, too, live in segregated neighborhoods, with their segregated schools, or kids in private schools, just as much as the black hating conservatives. Until whites can either look at racism in the forms in which it now exist, or get over the fact that it's more underground than they know, then we cannot possibly have a conversation about racism. In order for us to move forward in this country whites will have to face the fact that the race card is still be played in this country against blacks. Need proof? Just look at immigration and illegals. For generations whites have used education along with low wages and racism to keep blacks out of the skilled crafts jobs held by white men and passed on to their sons until their grandsons began to go on to college to escape hard labor. Blacks, already locked out of those jobs due to racism were further locked out - due to racism. Only now another group of people is being used against them; illegal immigrants. These people accept low wages, no benefits, and bring down the wages of everyone else in doing so. Employers who hire them do not want to hire and train low income blacks and whites who so desperately need the skills and the work. Believe me, this isn't all as I can tell you from my own personal experiences with whites and discrimination. Check out how many blacks consider themselves to have been discriminated against in looking for work or in their current employment. How many young black male children are shuffled off into those low achieving classes when there is nothing wrong with them? They are worth next to nothing when they come out, poor babies. The educational system, instead of trying to figure out how best to serve black children does nothing more than warehouse them in under achieving classes, dumbing down our children. Believe me, these things are nothing to the discussion which really needs to happen in this country. We gained our rights, only to have them deviously subverted and no one wants to talk about it. Why should I, as a black person, wish to talk about illegal immigrants in this country? Just another group of people to discriminate against me as they already have. And let's not forget about reparations. This country had paid every group going, even some it shouldn't have, except African Americans, monies that could go a long way to easing some of the ills we face in this country. Where should the conversation begin, education? Jobs? Housing? Reparations? All of the above, of course, but I won't hold my breath. I do agree with the last statements in this article. Blacks don't need to be victims anymore, but it takes a great effort to out and snatch what is rightfully yours, take it from the hands of whites. The mental effort to do so on a daily basis is almost killing. I'm actually not even sure whether or not any of these small potatoes ought to be punished, really. Except Imus, who had such a huge following. They don't really make a dent in what needs to be done, and besides, we know they're out there, lurking. I grew up with the Dogs of the world, I know who they are. No, our discussions need to be more finite than this, but there is a problem. Those who are white must not only listen, they must hear. Then they must do something to begin to help correct the mess that underground racism has created, so that we can all move forward.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007


This wonderful brother, slip slop artist TI wants to be allowed more visitors in his house for Thanksgiving. For this reason, I say HELL NAW, BOYFRIEND, YOUR BUTT NEEDS TO BE IN DA HOUSE! Apparently you need to be off the streets for the arsenal you were trying to purchase.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 11/06/07
Stuck inside your house, day in and day out, with nothing to do and no one but your wife and children to keep you company will make any man restless.
A jet-setting superstar who's being forced to play stay-at-home dad is no exception.
Atlanta rapper T.I., who's under house arrest awaiting trial on federal weapons charges, is asking a judge to let him host a Thanksgiving Day dinner at his Jonesboro home.
In a motion filed in federal court Tuesday, T.I — who was born Clifford Harris Jr. — requested that the judge waive the no-more-than-three visitors-at-a-time provision of his $3 million bond.
Harris, 27, wants the exception only for Turkey Day, only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., and only for a group of visitors whose names he submitted for approval.
In another motion Tuesday, Harris also asked the judge to allow access for workers who can come clean his yard, pool and home.
Harris was arrested Oct. 13 in a Midtown parking lot as he allegedly tried to illegally buy three machine guns and two silencers.
Among the strict bond conditions that U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Baverman set, Harris can continue to live with his girlfriend and his children. However, visitors are limited to three at a time between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., and have to be cleared with a criminal background check.
Harris' movements are monitored by a GPS system. And at least one guard lives on his property at all times, said Steve Sadow, one of three lawyers representing Harris.
If the judge grants his request, Harris will pay for additional guards for the celebration, according to the motion.
He can serve sweet tea, but his bond conditions forbid him from consuming alcohol.
Dwight Thomas, another lawyer for Harris, said he could not discuss the particulars of the motion, such as how many family members Harris was expecting.
Thomas said Harris was coping well as a prisoner in his home.
"He's doing fine. He's very upbeat," Thomas said. "He's looking forward to his day in court."
Until then, fans who want to catch a glimpse of the Atlanta rapper can catch him in the movie "American Gangster."
Among his handful of scenes is one where Harris is sitting alongside his drug overlord uncle, played by actor Denzel Washington, enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner.
Yo Clifford, sit your nappy butt down and enjoy your time out of jail, cause you need it.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Now mind you, this is the woman who just refused to take more money alloted by congress the better to do her job, and yet she can spend money from businesses she might have to regulate to junket around the world.
Industries Paid for Top Regulators' Travel
Two Heads of Product Safety Agency Accepted Trips From Manufacturer Groups
By Elizabeth Williamson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 2, 2007; A01
The chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and her predecessor have taken dozens of trips at the expense of the toy, appliance and children's furniture industries and others they regulate, according to internal records obtained by The Washington Post. Some of the trips were sponsored by lobbying groups and lawyers representing the makers of products linked to consumer hazards.
The records document nearly 30 trips since 2002 by the agency's acting chairman, Nancy Nord, and the previous chairman, Hal Stratton, that were paid for in full or in part by trade associations or manufacturers of products ranging from space heaters to disinfectants. The airfares, hotels and meals totaled nearly $60,000, and the destinations included China, Spain, San Francisco, New Orleans and a golf resort on Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Notable among the trips -- commonly described by officials as "gift travel" -- was an 11-day visit to China and Hong Kong in 2004 by Stratton, then chairman. The $11,000 trip was paid for by the American Fireworks Standards Laboratory, an industry group based in an office suite in Bethesda whose only laboratories are in Asia.
The CPSC says that at the time, the group had no pending regulatory requests. But since then the fireworks group has urged the commission to adopt its safety standards, an idea that is still pending, according to an organization newsletter.
Consumer groups and lawmakers intensified their criticism of the CPSC this summer after several highly publicized recalls of Chinese-made toys that contained hazardous levels of lead. Critics have long charged that the agency has become too close to regulated industries, opting for "voluntary" standards and repeatedly choosing not to take legal action against businesses that refuse to recall dangerous products.
Government-wide travel regulations state that officials from agencies such as the CPSC should not accept money for travel from nonfederal sources if the payments "would cause a reasonable person . . . to question the integrity of agency programs or operations."
But CPSC officials defend the industry-paid trips as a way for the agency to be in contact with manufacturing officials and hear their concerns despite a limited travel budget. Commission spokeswoman Julie Vallese said the agency's counsel and its ethics officers conducted "a full conflict-of-interest analysis" of the trips and stand behind their decisions.
"The mission of the agency and the benefits to consumer safety are two factors that are taken into consideration in approving gift travel," she said. Reports of the trips are submitted to the Office of Government Ethics, she added.
Several ethics experts and lawyers say the two administrators' travel records, some of which they reviewed at the request of The Post, suggest a conflict of interest.
"This is a blatant violation of the ethics code," said Craig Holman, an expert on governmental ethics law for the nonprofit consumer advocacy group Public Citizen. The rules allow nonfederal sources to pay for trips, "but not if you're a private party with business pending before the agency," he said.
The agency's travel patterns during the Bush administration, detailed in internal agency documents, differ from those of the Clinton era. Ann Brown, who served as chairman from 1994 to 2001, traveled only at the expense of the agency or of media organizations that sponsored appearances where she announced product recalls, according to the documents provided.
"We hated to have an industry pay for our staff for anything," said Pam Gilbert, a lawyer who was executive director of the agency under Brown.
The records show that Nord and Stratton repeatedly accepted gift travel for events from industries subject to CPSC enforcement. In February 2006, the Toy Industry Association provided Nord with rail fare, two nights in a hotel, meals -- and even $51 to pay her Union Station parking bill -- to attend the American International Toy Fair in New York, one of the industry's biggest product exhibitions.
Joan Lawrence, the association's vice president who oversees toy safety, said that "I have heard some enforcement officials say that they consider attending vital" because "they are able to see new products before they hit retail shelves" and suggest safety improvements. She added that "approximately 50 percent of the CPSC budget is used for children's products."
But Lawrence could not say why, given the importance of the event and the industry, the agency did not pay for its own travel. "If they came up with the money, that's okay," she said. "The educational component, of course, is our priority, and that's why we pay for the chairman."
Vallese, the CPSC spokeswoman, said Nord gave two speeches at the meeting, toured "new toy exhibits," watched "product demonstrations" and participated in "product safety discussions."
In a presentation to a trade group of product regulators and manufacturers last year, Nord said the agency was "working aggressively" to limit deaths from residential fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, according to an account published on the group's Web site. She noted that "fuel-fired heating equipment" is linked to more than 300 deaths a year.
Makers of that equipment are represented by the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association, for which Stratton, Nord's predecessor, was a guest speaker at two annual meetings. In 2003 Stratton spoke at the group's meeting on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. In 2005, he spoke at its annual meeting in Orlando.
The meetings drew more than 300 manufacturers' representatives and spouses for seminars, a dinner dance and golf. While the association's manufacturers are regulated by three other government agencies, its vice president, Joseph Mattingly, said he could not recall paying for any attendees from those agencies.
Stratton said: "My view was we needed to engage industries and not only tell them what we expected but also to learn what they were thinking. . . . You can't do that sitting in the ivory tower at the CPSC."
The records also detail several trips that were paid for by lawyers who represent manufacturers in product liability lawsuits.
In February, for example, Nord accepted more than $2,000 in travel and accommodations from the Defense Research Institute to attend its meeting in New Orleans on "product litigation trends," according to her report. The institute is made up of more than 20,000 corporate defense lawyers. In 2004, Stratton attended the group's meeting in Barcelona, at a cost to the group of $915 for his hotel room.
"They are the biggest government agency that would have impact on the stuff that we do," said Steve Coronado, a former chairman of the group's product liability committee, which has 3,000 members. "They've been very cordial and accommodating and gracious," he said of the agency's past three chiefs.
Coronado said that Nord was the group's main presenter in New Orleans and that she briefed 1,000 lawyers about "what their processes and procedures are, rules and regulations changes." He added: "I don't think it was a very politically oriented presentation." A CPSC spokesman did not respond to a request for direct comment by Nord on this trip and others.
Coronado said Brown, the Clinton-era agency chairman, also spoke to the group. But agency records of her non-CPSC-financed travel do not list that trip, suggesting that it was not paid for by the lawyers group. Gilbert, the former CPSC executive director, called DRI's contribution toward Stratton's hotel bill in Spain "amazing."
Stratton said the group "wanted to know where the CPSC was going on various product issues, and they wanted to know what the companies [the lawyers represented] could expect, what the government was thinking in regard to their issues." He said lawyers who sue companies over product-related injuries never invited him to speak.
Stratton gave a general defense of his more than 25 trips, which included a trip to China that the Toy Industry Association paid $8,000 to help finance. "Everybody wants to see the chairman," he said. The fireworks group that paid for a separate China trip did not respond to an e-mailed request for comment about its contacts with the CPSC.
Some say the commission's approach to gift travel points to a Bush administration philosophy that favors engaging corporations in policymaking that affects them. "This administration apparently has taken the position that speaking and appearing before the regulated community, even where there are enforcement matters pending, does not create the appearance of a conflict," said Kenneth Gross, an ethics lawyer at Skadden, Arps.
"These are difficult and subjective lines to be drawn," he said. "Prior administrations have drawn that line in a different place."
Nord was a corporate lawyer at Eastman Kodak before her appointment. Stratton led Lawyers for Bush in his home state of New Mexico during the president's 2000 campaign and co-founded the Rio Grande Foundation, which advocates limited government and supports free-market economic principles.
The CPSC did not immediately agree to a request to review copies of internal documents related to several trips or its internal gift-travel regulations. But the records document a pattern of travel that varies from the stated habits of top officials at four other regulatory agencies.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, for example, "does not accept host-paid travel reimbursements or in-kind payments from any organization regulated by the agency," said spokesman John Heine. Food and Drug Administration rules likewise do not permit outside travel payments from regulated companies, organizations "engaged in any lobbying activities" or those that receive "more than ten percent of their income from a corporate source," among other restrictions.
The Federal Communications Commission bans travel paid for by regulated companies or others with business before the agency, for officials from division heads upward, according to spokesman Clyde Ensslin.
F. Gary Davis, who helped establish the Office of Government Ethics in 1978 and served as its general counsel and deputy director until 2000, said the government-wide regulations were imposed "to ensure that there is no appearance of impropriety when you're dealing with a prohibited source." He said that it is conceivable that some of the CPSC's industry-sponsored trips were justified but that in those cases, the agency should be prepared to make its decision-making records available.