Thursday, January 31, 2008


Asians, lol. BlackPlanet, which I used to belong to years ago, is owned by Asians! Dang. If ever I join another community, which I'm not inclined to, I will make sure it's owned by blacks. I want to join that dang group and tell them to defect, en mass. They could create a community at MSN for free and be in control.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Now. I know you might be enemies, know you might hate each others guts, can't stand to look at each other, but you always have to be polite. At the end of the day you need to at least keep your dignity and have some manners and style about yourself, no matter what happened. This fool has none

Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is a diary I wrote on dkos, the ultra white blog, and got banned for, lol. Now, you know, I don't care a rat's ass for that! Some of those people acted as if I had killed Keith Olbermann and needed to be jailed. Keith may not have any say in what goes on, but who knows, maybe some o his interns read my piece and made the suggestion that they tone it down. And surely my little piece is not the first, best, or even last that will be done on the mighty god Olbermann. Actually, it's probably the worst thing I've ever written, but only because I was being highly facetious, which the Kosacks seemed to have missed. Anyways, enjoy!

Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsy Lohan, Winehouse, and any other young white woman, night after night, their twats are plastered across the screen during Countdown, with Keith Olbermann. He's even talked about Brittney's unclothed twat. Apparently there are times when she doesn't cover her twat. On a show that offers so much I just don't understand why he has this fascination with the twats of these mostly young white women. What is up with that? Olbermann's Countdown has become an oasis in a sea of mediocre news programs, but his focus on so many down and out young white women and their twats has become a huge annoyance.

I have yet to figure out why he follows them at all, even as an entertainment segment, all that twat is not worth it. Surely he can find something else to focus on? Perhaps the twizzlers of George or Denzel? Damn, I'd be willing to watch anything they twizzle, anything but white female twat. Does Keith have a lady friend? Is he in between and that's why he talks about all those young white women and their anatomy, or is it just some kind of kinky turn on? And while we're at it, what's up with the David Vitter story? Why did he sit on that thing, when really, it was part of the funniest of the republican sex scandals, and yet he whined about the way in which the story was done when he was gone. What's up with that? You would have thought he would have taken off with that story, but all he could do was give some lame apology for making news out of it.

I have to admit that for the most part the only reason I stay with the show is the worst persons in the world segment. You have an excellent show Keith, but if I could, may I make some suggestions? We're really tired of all those stories about all those young white women and whatever is going on in their lives. Each network has an entertainment show on weeknights, and for the most part those of us who watch you don't watch them, I know I don't. Isn't there some positive entertainment news you can do, or even just some other segments? I don't really care for all those white women and their twats, and besides, I can catch worst persons on crooks and liars, or just try to find something else to watch, which I guess is what I should do anyway. Maybe you could just show the twat patrol once a week? Or give us some more twizzlers, I hear Colin Ferell(?) has a big one, lol. I'm an equal opportunity kind of gal, so showing some of those hot male bods appeals to me.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


You know, as much as I am against Obama, what I really should say is this; I can understand deeply why black Americans would finally want to vote for one of their own. He's well educated, well spoken, charismatic, and that's all well and good. Growing up, watching the movement, and later participating in my own way, I feel I know what's needed, and it's not Barack Obama at this stage of the game. Hope was yesterday. Hope was answered by Dr. King, Sister Rosa Parks, Mrs. King, the freedom marchers, those who were murdered, and those who's murders go unprosecuted, those who braved water hoses, vicious dogs, and hate filled people. No, I don't need hope. I need someone who will fulfill the promises left behind when Dr. King was killed. I want someone who's going to come to town and undo the vast amount of damage, and yet again hate, left by the current administration. I want someone who will come in, boots to the ground, ready to wade into the mess wrought by eight long years of sheer ignorance, and an economy about to crumble into shambles. I want someone to restore my country to the dignity and greatness it once had amongst the other nations of the world.

Of Obama I would have liked to have seen him gain more experience than he had, especially in the world of foreign policy. A little more seasoning is all he needed. Instead, he let himself by swayed by racial politics, the racial politics of whites, who finally didn't have to look at a black face and feel guilty by what they saw in the face of black men and women. William Bennett told us that, he no longer would have to look at blacks, whom he despises for not being slaves and not overcoming the racial hatred of over four hundred years. Bastard. I understand perfectly the hatred of Bill Clinton. If any of you will just take your heads out of Obama's butt, you will see that under his presidency this country enjoyed the most growth than it ever has, and also spurred on some of the tech gains we have now. Did he not leave Bushco. a clear message that Ben Laden needed to be taken down? But why should they when Ben Laden was a friend to Bushco? Did he not leave this country with a surplus of money, and not incredible deficit we may never recover from? Our country is down the crapper and we need someone to handle our business, as it were, and at this time I just don't think Obama is the one to handle it.

As a black woman, I don't consider anyone who doesn't vote for Obama as racist or a race traitor. Here, in Maryland, we just went through that terrible Bob Ehrlich era, and when Michael Steele decided to run they all thought blacks would cross lines to vote for the mutt. Blackness doesn't give you some kind of special cache that says blacks must support you, and we can and will chose candidates according to our needs, the same as whites. The one thing whites and the media needs to do is to stop thinking of blacks as children or childlike, with the inability to think for themselves. Just because we don't make the choices you think we should doesn't mean we aren't capable. We make our choices just the way you do, with care, thought, and study, which is what many of you need to do. You need to study your hatred of Hillary Clinton, and examine exactly why you feel this way. Most of the hatred directed at her comes from the neocon media moguls who's only interest is their own. Realize that when we have times like this, an economic downturn it is they who reap the rewards, not you. They get to hire cheaper labor, provide cheaper benefits packages, bust unions who help broker better wages and benefits packages. They also love that other brown cheap labor from across the border which helps bring down our economy. I'm sure that there are quite a few other reasons the necons hate the Clintons, all of them having to do with money, and they do nothing but spend their time on the likes of Fox Noise, Chris Mathews and anyone else they can get to pound on Hillary in a hate filled vicious and ugly manner.

I'm not trying to tell anyone who to vote for, and it would never occur to me to do so, but I also won't let anyone tell me who to vote for, and whether or not my not voting for a black man is racist. That is not a proper reason to vote for anyone, no matter what. So, what you really need to do is examine your own hatreds and biases, to see where you need really need to place your vote. There are so many other things to consider as well, but for me, most of it boils down to experience and strength of will and character, which I find still lacking in Obama. Hillary Clinton has been forged by the necon hatred and the hatred they fan in you, so along with her own experiences this should be enough to pull us through, don't you think?

I posted this on dailyKos just because I love to tease at those white folks over there, lol.

Friday, January 4, 2008


The farmer in Iowa gushed, saying that he had never heard a speech like it, that it was a rousing, moving speech. They have promoted him relentlessly over the past year, almost like a savior or the second coming. They are now using his "persona", what it is that they perceive it to be, to whip one candidate with it. William Bennett, the pundits pundit, has come out with a glowing account of why he thinks this man is one who is running on the right stuff.

Born in 1961, he wasn't old enough to participate in the civil rights movement. He doesn't have the angst that so many of us had growing up during that time, knowing that as black Americans we were the most hated people on earth. He didn't grow up with Jim Crow, segregated towns, cities, schools and the like. Growing up in the 1970's he would never feel the kind of racism this country reserved only for blacks, and was not even living in this country during the height of civil rights movement. By the time he arrived here it was all but over so it's imprint is not even on him. He does not have the anger black men in the country once had due to the horrific practices of racism, he doesn't know how it seared the soul, how whites kept their feet on the necks of blacks to keep them down and out. Barack Obama was not even in the country when Dr. King was assassinated.

They are saying that he is not like Rev. Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton. Jackson was prominent during the civil rights movement, during and after Dr. King's death, has run organizations of his own for the advancement of race relations in this country, and has been forever in the face of whites for their treatment of blacks. Still is. Then there is Al Sharpton, he of Tawana Brawley fame. Rev. Al has become known as the ambulance chaser of the civil rights movement, as it were, but still, a great many in the black community have come to respect him. Iit was he, who had dinner with the great white Bill O'Rielly, who then declared that he was so shocked and surprised that everyone dined like they had good sense, with no one calling m'fer I want more tea. Both of these men campaigned to be president of this country, and both men continue to lend their time and talents to the modern day civil rights movement. Both are black, and that is where the difference comes in.

William Bennett says "Barack Hussiene Obama has taught the black community that you don't have to act like Jesse Jackson...Al Sharpton." Many in the republican party praise him, possibly a great many have crossed party lines in Iowa to vote for him. Why? Essentially because Barack Obama represents the "good Negro", more like what main stream whites wish most blacks were like. There are still millions of whites in this country who remember the precivil rights movement in this country, who remember the atmosphere of time when this country presented an Andy Griffith like quality, before blacks wanted anything, or were even a visible force. Blacks remained in the background and "knew their place", which was nowhere and subservient to whites. They didn't want anything, didn't ask for anything and were a happy go lucky people. Until Ms. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and Dr. King showed up.

Basically, what whites are saying is that with his history, his parentage, his looks and his education, Barack Obama doesn't remind them of the past, with it's racist bigotry, or it's present, with it's hidden racist bigotry. He doesn't make them feel uncomfortable the way Jesse would have, or Al, he doesn't call them to task for all the thins left undone, segregated housing, bad schools, no way into college for the young without affirmative action, bad health care, job descrimination. He is not black. His skin color is not in the face of whites, doesn't make them think of his darker skinned brothers and sisters, on whose faces anger, even hatred, make them feel guilt when they look at him, because they know he doesn't share a black history. Many of them probably even know facts I've stated here, that he wasn't even in the country during the height of the civil rights movement, which makes him even more perfect in their eyes. He has even managed to attain the kind of education most blacks here in this country still struggle to attain. In other words, he is the perfect black non black man, one with virtually none of the authentic black history that some of us still carry.

The republican machine loves Obama so much that they have stopped talking about him. Why? Because they would really prefer that he were the democratic nominee and not Edwards and most definitely Hillary Clinton, who they think is unbeatable. If he were to become the nominee they figure they can beat the living hell out of him. If he were to go on to become president they think they can control him. He wants to sit down to a table where he has very little foreign policy experience, except his vote on the war, or rather against it. Keeping your enemy close is one thing, but you still have to know that they are the enemy and always will be. Those people want power and the fact that their own extremely bad mistakes in world affairs has not diminished[ this. They still see their business as unfinished, and by hook or by crook, they have proven that they will try everything within their grasp to retain that power. Including making a puppet out of Barack Obama.

Yes, Obama represents to most white Americans what they all wish to see in all of us as black people, the good Negro. The good Negro, who leaves his past behind even though whites do not, who don't question white authority, but wait patiently for any little crumb whites will give us, when they want to give it to us, and in what quantity and quality. They figure that with the passage of all and any civil rights legislation of old that all our problems are solved, all our legal needs are taken care of, and we should not be agitating as in days of old for anything. We need to stop following Jesse and Al, and listen to that good Negro, Barack, with no history of the old civil rights movement, no thoughts of reminding whites that while the movement died when they killed Dr. King, there is still a deep and vast racial divide in the country, being continually fostered by them.

If nominated as the democratic presidential hope, Barack Obama will get my vote, but it will be a hostage vote, as it were. I will give him my vote because I don't believe in an anti vote, not voting in protest. Because I'm black I must vote as long as I have the breath to do so. If there is a vote while I'm on my death bed then I will do my damnedest to lift my hand and vote. People died in the country to assure that I could exercise that right, and to do less would fail them. So, Obama will get my vote only for being the nominee and there's no other way I can help it. My own belief is that Mr. Obama needed just a tad more experience for me, especially where foreign policy is concerned, even though he runs a committee on foreign policy! That was all I wanted, and I think that's all any other black folks want. The experience. But my other fear is that without that civil rights background Barack Obama will become nothing more than the good Negro, and believe me, white folks will let him know, in no uncertain terms.

The above has been published in my dkos diary just to make 'em holler, lol.